Friday 12 June 2009

Selling Yourself at an Interview

When your job application or CV have successfully earned you an interview, it is vital that you give yourself the best possible opportunity by preparing thoroughly for the interview in advance. Although you are unlikely to be able to think of every possible question or scenario that you will be presented with, preparation and planning will prevent a poor performance on the day.

Consider the following tips to help you improve your chances of success.

Before the interview

  • Find out as much as you can about the organisation, the job and the interview process

  • Prepare a list of questions that you wish to ask. For example: what opportunities will the organisation provide for personal development or management training?

  • Put yourself in the position of the interviewer and think through the questions they might ask.

  • Be proactive and prepare a plan of the things you will do in your first 3-6 months of employment.

  • Prepare 5-6 ‘selling points’ i.e. the benefits an organisation will gain from employing you.

  • Remember that first impressions count. Practice how you will introduce yourself in a positive and confident manner. Remember your handshake – no finger crushers or limp wrists!

  • Make sure you know exactly how to get the interview location, and plan to arrive in plenty of time.

At the interview

  • Be yourself – if you pretend to be someone else you will be caught out.
  • If asked about your weaknesses or failures give examples that are not relevant to the role – in this way you will not talk yourself out of a job.
  • Avoid being critical of other people or previous employers.
  • Make sure you get your ‘selling points’ across– this is your responsibility not the interviewers.
  • Ask the interviewer if they want to see your ‘3 month plan’.
  • Be enthusiastic – no one will employ someone who doesn’t demonstrate motivation.
  • Take time to answer questions – avoid ‘shooting from the hip’.
  • If you think you have got something wrong, say so and rephrase your answer.
  • If you don’t know the answer to a question say so!
  • Before leaving the interview, make sure you know what the next steps are.

After the interview

  • Write down key points that you remember from the interview. This will help you if you are offered a second interview.
  • Write and send a brief thank you note as soon as possible.
  • Follow up with the organisation if they haven’t contacted you within the agreed timescales. Show interest but not desperation!

In today’s competitive climate it is important to ensure that you sell yourself, and show yourself in the best possible light if you are going to land the dream job you are after.

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