Wednesday 5 December 2007

How long does it take to coach someone?

When I first meet with a prospective coachee or their sponsor one of the key areas to address is the timing and duration of the coaching sessions that I plan to provide for them.

I will tell them that ideally I would like to provide 6 x 2-3 hour coaching sessions spread over 6 – 9 months – unless there is a specific development area that could be focused on in a more concentrated time frame.
The minimum number of sessions that I will offer is 4.
This is because of the following factors:-

- it takes the first session to get to know the background, circumstances, general goals, objectives, issues and opportunities of the coachee

- it takes one or two sessions for me to establish the necessary rapport and relationship understanding required for success between us and to get a sense of their personality

- it takes the first 1 or 2 sessions for the coachee to trust and respect me, understand the COACH process and our respective roles and to fell confident to talk honestly and openly with me about themselves and their real issues

- it takes 2, 3, 4, or more sessions for the coachee to fully and effectively to explore their thoughts and feelings about the important issues that effect them and for them to explore their options and to commit to taking ACTION to improve their satisfaction, performance and effectiveness

- it can then take a number of sessions for them to work deeply and successfully on their issues, skills, relationships, plans and opportunities
Coaching is not a one off activity where a person’s effectiveness, behaviours and performance can be transformed in one or two brief sessions.
It also therefore follows that the timing and duration of these coaching sessions is going to be longer, 2 -3 hours, than shorter, one hour or less, and spaced out over time 6 – 12 moths, to ensure action, implementation, monitoring and review rather than completed in a short timeframe e g one month.

There are of course exceptions to these timing guidelines for example:-
• the development need is very specific e g improve presentation skills
• the need is a short term one e g prepare for a launch, a reorganisation
• the work is part of a capability or disciplinary process with a specific timeframe
• Some of the people that I coach are very busy and quick thinking and for coaching to work effectively for them they want to get straight down to the point of the work and they are very clear and decisive about their issues and solutions – so I find a way to work efficiently and quickly with them to get to their bottom line

So overall my coaching approach is about offering a number of face to face sessions to clients over a 6-12 month period but with the prospect of flexibility where it makes sense and where the integrity of my coaching work can be upheld.

Site ImageManagement Training Course, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching
Developing People offer first class management training and development, with a business training course for every level of personnel, helping you increase productivity through employee training, leadership training

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